The beginning of the beginning

Genesis 1 vs 1 – 2.

  • Heavens: This reference to heavens here is spiritual realms for dwelling places for the righteous spirits, example. Angels, Men of white, sons of God, righteous souls, and other heavenly creatures that we are or may not be aware off. The writer used plural because it is not a single place, realms are spiritual places, and they differ based on creatures occupying them. These heavens are the first creation, the actual beginning of creation. Every other information about the heavens was hidden away from us more like a mystery for us to discover in later future after life.
  • Earth: The earth here is space. A completely empty surface that will serve as a beginning of physical creation completely different in nature compared to the spiritual realms. A physical dwelling place, only space has face of deep and darkness with no light created, its absolute void meaning empty and dark, the presence of nothing. This is back by recent discovery of planetary systems and galaxies etc. which all exist in space, clearly the writer did not reference the earth to our planet at this point.
  • Waters: This one is a very interesting one because there was no specification on the location of the waters. It just so happened that the spirit of the creator was hovering over the waters, more like the spirit of the creator brought it as the spirit entered the physical creation. There was nowhere in verse 1 that talks about the creation of the waters. Key point to note is water carries and supports life, type of life that does not require soul and spirit.

Genesis 1 vs 3 – 5.

  • Light & Darkness, Day & Night: First there was darkness in the physical creation, space is full of darkness, more darkness than lights, more darkness so that we can see the lights. The creator created light in the darkness, at this point there were together, light and darkness were together and then he separated the light from the darkness. Note up until now we assume the spirit of the creator was still hovering over the waters and observing what is going on. It’s funny how the bible says and there was evening and there was morning, the first day, there are questions we should consider here. Assuming the darkness was, and the light was created in the darkness, the time actually started when light was introduced but at some point, the light went off again for the writer to say and there was evening and then when it came back again there was morning, and then they called it day, so every day starts with darkness first. And who decided to start counting the days because clearly the creator did not start counting at this point. And note that the light here and the darkness has no reference to the sun and the moon. At this point there was no sun or moon or stars, it was just pure light and darkness.

Genesis 1 vs 6 – 8.

  • Waters: Now we are back to the waters again only this time to find out that it’s in the void and empty Earth (still space at this point). The creator at this point created the vault (sky) in the midst of the waters to separate them into two, one on top and the other on the bottom of the vault. And the darkness came back, and the light came back again, and this was called the second day. At this point it was not time it was only days he was counting and how long each day took, no one knows.
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