A letter to father God

Dear Father God,

Thank you for my life, It has been great so far, Although few ups and downs but all is well, Life as a human is quite challenging in this world but I am still managing. I know you are with me so I am still standing strong as a son, Please continue to have mercy on me and give me strength to pull through.

I hope mum is around, Please say hi to her for me, I hope you guys are not gossiping about me, I miss her too but I know she is all happy now with smiles and enjoying what has become of us too down here on earth in the land of the living, I wish I can discuss few things with her you know, Is there a phone or something I can use to call or talk to her?. Please allow her to give me a shout. Oh yeah and her brother too, That man took us by surprise, He just left us without any alert but I guess it was Your choice in this case.

I hope heaven is cool, No wars and always peaceful, unlike down here on earth where nations are just rising against nations any how, and all sort of things affecting people, its quite mad down here but we will pull through.

Please always give us strength to overcome and guide us all the days of our lives father.

You know I talk a lot, I will try keep things simple and short, I guess I will give you a shout soon father. Please remember to have mercy on me and bless, protect and guide me, my household and my generations all the time.

Take care and speak soon! Father God.


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